parietal cells

英 [pəˈraɪɪtl sɛlz] 美 [pəˈraɪətəl sɛlz]

网络  壁细胞; 壁細胞; 胃壁细胞; 胃黏膜壁细胞; 泌酸细胞



  1. Gastric parietal cells are born close to the opening of the fundic gland and then migrate towards the bottom.
  2. The parietal cells concentrate hydrogenions more than one million times.
  3. Conclusions: Parietal cells had DHEA, which might play an important role in the regulation of digestive function.
  4. There is only one layer of parietal cells at the stage of sporogenous cell, megaspore mother cell and tetrad.
  5. Fundic gland of the abomasum consists primarily of chief cells and parietal cells, but neck mucous cells are few and not clear.
  6. Gastric parietal cells were isolated and purified by Lewin gastric sac method and Percoll density gradient separation method.
  7. GABA also can directly promote parietal cells to secrete acid by combining with GABA receptors on the parietal cells.
  8. Results Gastric parietal cells showed GnRH immunoreactivity, positive material was located in cytoplasm with negative nuclei.
  9. Objective To improve the means to isolate gastric parietal cells in rats.
  10. A stereological study on the parietal cells and the gastrin cells of the streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
  11. Ultrastructural studies on parietal cells of mouse stomach using cl~-localization and polysaccharides staining techniques
  12. CONCLUSION Our methods and condition are suitable for the isolation and primary culture of rat gastric parietal cells.
  13. Conclusions: The acid secretion in WRS rats are positively correlated with the gastric UI and the number of secreting parietal cells, which confirm the key role of acid in the development of SU at cytological level.
  14. The parietal cells increased obviously-and most of gland cells lined in tubes in 30th day.
  15. On the contrary, parietal cells percentage reduced with the increase of chief cells.
  16. There are a relatively many parietal cells in the fundic gland.
  17. In gastric glands, the parietal cells showed only positive staining with WGA in human. While chief cells showed positive reaction with WGA and PNA. All lectin reactions with both cells showed positive staining in rat and mouse.
  18. Studies of GnRH and Its Receptor in Cultured Stomach Smooth Muscle Cells and Parietal Cells of Rats
  19. The distribution and quantity of the chief cells, parietal cells and mucous cells change regularly.
  20. Conclusion Seawater-immersion stress can exacerbate acute gastric mucosal lesion by promoting the parietal cells to secret gastric acid.
  21. Methods Rat gastric parietal cells were isolated by pronase digestion and purified by discontinuous density-gradient centrifugation.
  22. A Study of the Effects of Astragaloside on Function and Morphology of Gastric Parietal Cells of Spleen-deficiency Rats
  23. By using electron microscope as well as localization of Cl-and ACP enzyme activities, it was confirmed that parietal cells of Trionyx sinensis have double functions of secreting hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen;
  24. Parietal cells in the activated state had numerous microvilli, vanished vesicles and abundant mitochondria.
  25. It was noticed that omeprazole caused vacuolation in 11.2% of all parietal cells.
  26. The results showed that there is thick mucous membrane in the fundic glandular region and the lamina propria is occupied by long straight branching tubular glands consisted of mucus neck cells, parietal cells, chief cells and argentaffin cells.
  27. In reproductive system, FSH exists in prostate, breast, testis and placenta; in non-reproductive system, FSH exists in parietal cells of stomach. Its functions are also beyond reproduction.
  28. Gastrin is correlated closely with proliferation of gastric epithelial cells, increase of the number of parietal cells and ECL cells, and also plays a very important role in the process of malignant transformation of gastric mucosa.